Lipografting of the breast tissue
E. Kolesárová(1), P. Bluska(2), V. Lehotská(3), M. Bartalosová(1), M. Ondrkalová(1)
1 Rádiologická klinika LFUK, SZU a UNB, Nemocnica sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Petržalka
2 Rádiológia s.r.o.
3 II. rádiologická klinika LFUK a OÚSA
Lipografting (lipomodeling) – transfer of autologous fat cells is a technique in which is own fat tissue taken and subsequently injected into other body parts. In our case it is injected into the breast. It is a breast augmentation method, which success and complication rate is dependent on the sed technique and the skills of the surgeon. It is associated with the occurrence of a wide range of mammographic and sonographic changes. They are conditional on the occurrence of fat necrosis and liponekrotic cysts. The work summarizes basic information about this method its technical aspects and radiological findings.
Key words: augmentation, mammography, ultrasonography, fat necrosis