
Importance of MRI in diagnosis of liver abscess

Révayová, M.(1), Baláž, M.(1), Bisták, L.(1), Belan, V.(2)
1 MR pracovisko Medican, so sídlom vo FN Trnava
2 Rádiodiagnostická klinika , Nemocnica akademika L. Dérera, FNsP Bratislava
Prednosta: MUDr. Víťazoslav Belan, PhD., h.doc.

The paper reports the case of a 76 year old man with fever and stomach pain under his right upper quadrant rib. Conclusions from diagnostic methods (USG, CT) showed liver cyst. Liver abscess has been diagnosed after MRI and use of Diffusion Weighted Imagin (DWI) and ADC map (Apparent Diffusion Coefficient). Aim of this work is to point at importance of Magnetic Resonance Imaging with the use of Diffusion Weighted Sequence in differentiating diagnostics of hepatic focal lesion.

liver, abscess, MRI, DWI, ADC.

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