Intravascular ultrasound and its use in vascular Interventional Radiology
A. Klepanec(1), I. Vulev(1), M. Vozár(1), J. Maďarič(2), T. Balázs(1), M. Holomáň(3)
1 Oddelenie diagnostickej a intervenčnej rádiológie, Národný ústav srdcových a cievnych chorôb, Bratislava
2 Oddelenie intenzívnej angiológie, Národný ústav srdcových a cievnych chorôb, Bratislava
3 Kardiochirurgická klinika, Národný ústav srdcových a cievnych chorôb, Bratislava
Intravascular ultrasound has become in invasive vascular radiology in the last decade the important part of diagnostic and also therapeutic procedures in management of vascular diseases. The basic possibilities for the use of IVUS include diagnostic procedures in vascular pathology assessment and therapeutic indications in the field of peripheral vascular interventions (PVI). Unlike other image modalities (CT, MRI, ultrasound) IVUS enables gather unique image in „real time“ right from the vessel lumen, what helps to add important information regarding vesselwall, plate morphology, thrombi and crosssectional vessel area. After initial use of intravascular ultrasound in coronary circulation, using IVUS is nowadays widely extended especially in aortic diseases, carotid and renal arteries and arteries of the lower extremities. This review article summarizes possibilities of intravascular ultrasound utilization in diagnostic process and therapy from peripheral vascular diseases up to thoracoabdominal aorta diseases and our experience with this new diagnostic modality.
intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) – diagnostic procedures – peripheral vascular interventions (PVI)