Congenital malformations of extremities, terminological notes
H. Poláček(1), N. Mišovicová(2), K. Zeleňák(1), M. Števík(1), H. Poláček(3), jr.
1 Rádiologická klinika JLF UK a MFN Martin
2 Oddelenie lekárskej genetiky MFN Martin
3 Klinika nukleárnej medicíny JLF UK MFN Martin
Congenital limb anomalies occur standalone, or in conjunction with systemic skeletal or other organic abnormalities. Their clinical pictures depend on the timing of intrauterine exposure to teratogens. Congenital limb anomalies are not rare. If isolated, the most common one is the hand syndactyly. Traditional terms derived from Greek or Latin root words are replaced by the ISPO classification at present. The modern classification specifies transverse and longitudinal limb deficiencies from the anatomical and radiological point of view only. We present a brief review ofterminology commonly used in clinical practice.
congenital limb anomalies, classification