
Acute pancreatitis – overview

Z. Bilická(1), V. Belan(1), V. Javorka(2), K. Fabianová(2), J. Mištinová(2), M. Bartalošová(2), M. Judinyová(2), Ľ. Jančula(3), E. Janvarsová(2), J. Bilický(2)
1 Rádiodiagnostická klinika ak. Dérera a FNsP Bratislava
Prednosta: MUDr. Víťazoslav Belan, PhD.
2 I. rádiologická klinika LFUK a FNsP Bratislava
Prednosta: prof. MUDr. Jozef Bilický, CSc.
3 Gastroenterologická klinika SZU Bratislava
Prednosta: Prof. MUDr. Marián Bátovský, CSc.

The autors in their work refer occurence of acute pancreatitis, her causes and importance of diagnostic imaging methods in defining early diagnostic. Acute pancreatitis with its clinical progress and possible complications represents one of the most dangerous inflamatory diseases of the abdomen. Early diagnostic is very important part of proper therapy.

Acute pancreatitis, imaging modalities

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