Functional magnetic resonance (fMRI) - review
R. Vaňatka(1,2), M. Chalányi(3), B. Geryk(3), A. Šteňo(4), J. Šteňo(4), J. Bilický(1)
1 I. rádiologická klinika LF UK a FN Bratislava, prednosta: Prof. MUDr. J. Bilický, CSc.
2 Klinika pre deti a dorast A. Getlíka SZU a FN Bratislava, prednosta: Doc. MUDr. K. Furková, CSc., mim. prof.
3 CT a MR-pracovisko, Rádiológia s.r.o., Antolská 11, Bratislava
4 Neurochirurgická klinika LF UK, SZU a FN Bratislava, prednosta: Prof. MUDr. J. Šteňo, CSc.
The article discusses specific domain of the imaging methods – the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) and its contribution to medical and neuropsychological practice and research. Autors have elaborated a brief characterisation of the method with focus on advantages, limitations and perspectives of this method.