
Autologous stem cell Transplantation in Patient with Critical limb ischemia

A. Klepanec(1), I. Vulev(1), T. Balázs(1), R. Bažík(1), M. Mistrík(4), R. Necpal(3), J. Tomka(3), T. Kozlovská(2), J. Maďarič(2)
1 Oddelenie diagnostickej a intervenčnej rádiológie, NÚSCH a.s. Bratislava
2 Oddelenie intenzívnej angiológie, NÚSCH a.s. Bratislava
3 Klinika cievnej chirurgie, NÚSCH a.s. Bratislava
4 Klinika hematológie a transfuziológie, UNB Bratislava

Critical limb ischemia (CLI) is clinical manifestation of an end-stage peripheral arterial obstruction disease. Progressive ischemia leads to development of ischemic rest pain and skin defects. Early recognition, medicamentous treatment and revascularisation are standard treatment practise in these patients. However, up to 30% of patients are not eligible for endovascular or surgical revascularisation. Remaining patients are threatened with disease progression and high risk for leg amputation. Some clinical studies demontrated, that therapeutic angiogenesis with autologous stem cells therapy may be effective in ulcer healing and prevention of limb amputation. This case report describes a 47-year old male with history of one year non-healing ulcer after the 3rd and 5th finger amputation without option of endovascular or surgical revascularisation. Patient was succesfully treated with intramuscular autologous bone marrow therapy with ulcer healing and limb salvage after 12-month follow-up.

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