
Principles of MR diagnostics of sclerosis multiplex

M. Daňová(1), V. Belan(2)
1 MR Prešov s.r.o., Prešov
2 Rádiodiagnostická klinika, Nemocnica akad. L. Dérera, Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is acquired, nontraumatic, autoimmune disease, whose essence is a chronic inflammation of the central nervous system (CNS), demyelination, axonal damage, gliosis and variable degrees of remyelination. Although the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis remains a clinical, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has an important place and growing role in the diagnosis and management. The sensitivity of MRI is between 90 to 95%, specificity islower and depends on the diagnostic criteria. The authors in their paper give a survey of the clinical image of the MS, MR diagnostic with the recommended protocol of the MRI examination and on the present valid McDonald ´s revised MS criteria 2005.

sclerosis multiplex, magnetic resonance

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