
Galaktocele in a lactating women in atypical localisation

G. Pavlendová, M. Bartalosová, M. Ondrkalová
I. rádiologická klinika LFUK a UNB
prednosta: prof. MUDr. Jozef Bilický, CSc.

Galactocele is a benign breast lesion mostly occuring in pregnant and lactating women. Due to its variable ultrasound appearance it may be difficult to differentiate it from other lesions, either benign or malignant, such as fibroadenoma, lactating adenoma, abscess, phyllodes tumor, papilloma or breast cancer and in these cases fine needle aspiration should be performed. Biochemical analysis of the aspirate shows variable proportions of proteins, fat and lactose. In rare cases where galactocele has only solid appearance, a core-cut biopsy could also be performed to rule out breast cancer. The authors present a case of a 34-years old patient with this diagnosis.

galaktocele, lactacion, benign breast le­sions

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