
Chronic pancreatitis

A. Vavrečka, J. Bilický
Gastroenterologická klinika LF SZU a UN Bratislava, NsP sv. Cyrila a Metoda
prednosta: Doc. MUDr. M. Bátovský, CSc. mim. prof.
I. rádiologická klinika LF Uka UNB sv. Cyrila a Metoda
prednosta: prof. MUDr. Jozef Bilický, CSc.

Chronic pancreatitis is an ongoing inflammatory process that may over time lead to maldigestion, malabsorption and diabetic syndrome. Identification of risk (etiological) factors based on classifications TIGAR-O or later M-ANNHEIM. These factors (environmental and / or genetic) leads to failure of the stability of the digestive and lysosomal enzymes in the acinar cells, resulting in premature activation of digestive enzymes in the pancreas, and repeated nekroinflamation and fibrosis. The incidence has of the upward trend. Clinically the disease manifests itself in most cases with pain and possibly with nonspecific dyspeptic troubles. Decisive role in the diagnosis playing imaging methods, transabdominal ultrasonography, computed tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, magnetic cholangiopancretography and foremost endoscopic ultrasonography, whichhas the highest sensitivity and specificity. Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography is currently regarded as a method for therapy, not for diagnosis. Less importance isnow attached to a functional test. Symptomatic treatment is usually conservative. Abstinence is necessary, easily digestible, but calorie-rich diet with reduced fat. Most patients needed treatment with analgesics. In case of insufficient effect of analgesics is necessary to consider endoscopictherapy or surgery. If the external secretory insufficiency is present are served pancreatic extracts. Diabetic syndrome requires insulin delivery. Generally, chronic pancreatitis is a disease treatable but incurable. Proportion of patients are also dying of pancreatic cancer.

chronic pancreatitis, pathophysiology, diagnosis, therapy.

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