
Extracolonic findings on CT colonography in symptomatic patients

I. Drahovská(1), F. Nigut(1), M. Zakuciová(2), I. Lazúrová(2), P. Mach(1), L. Gombošová(2)
1 I. klinika rádiodiagnostiky a zobrazovacích metód UNLP Košice a LF UPJŠ
2 I. interná klinika UNLP Košice a LF UPJŠ

The paper is an analysis of the consequences of the extracolonic findings identified on CT colonography examination of symptomatic patients and the validity of the intravenous application of contrast medium in this examination. The authors enrolled 252 patients, who underwent CT colonogprahy.128 extracolonic findings was identified in 80 patients (31.74%). The average age was 65.62 years (SD = 12.7, min. agewas 29, max. age. 85 years). According the clinical significance the extracolonic findings have been divided into three groups – low, moderate and very important extracolonic findings. Low significant findings were 68 (53.12%), moderate 26 (20.31%) and very important extracolonic findings were 34 (26.56%), of which 30 were malignant nature.

extracolonic findings, CT colonography

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