Occipital condyles fractures – review, case report
M. Malík(1), K. Sláviková(1,2), Z. Bilická(2)
1 I. rádiologická klinika LFUK a UN Bratislava, Nemocnica sv. Cyrila a Metoda
2 Radiológia s.r.o.
Occipital condylar fractures is a serious condition that is not rare and often overlooked and underdiagnosed. An accurate diagnosis of these fractures is important due to their great potential for long-term morbidity, serious neurologic deficits, or even death. The method of choice for diagnosis has been CT, which should help assess potential intracranial injuries in addition to these fractures in patients with cervicocranial trauma. This article provide a short review of the clinical and imaging aspects of these traumatic lesions and also a case report.
occipital condylar fracture