MR criteria of sclerosis multiplex – McDonald 2010
M. Daňová(1, 2), E. Klímová (3), Víťazoslav Belan(4)
1 Pro Magnet, s.r.o., magnetická rezonancia Prešov
2 Fakulta zdravotníctva a sociálnej práce, Trnavská univerzita v Trnave
3 Klinika neurológie FNsP J. A. Reimana a Fakulty zdravotníckych odborov Prešovskej univerzity v Prešove
4 Rádiodiagnostická klinika, Nemocnica akad. L. Dérera, Univerzitná nemocnica Bratislava
Clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) – neurological disorder can be the first feature of a complex disease, such as the multiple sclerosis (MS). IKS has many forms, but for the development of MS is highly probable and characteristic: unilateral optic neuritis, brainstem syndrome / cerebellum and partial transversal myelitis. Early diagnosis and subsequent treatment of patients with CIS may delay serious consequences of the disease. The last third revision of McDonald criteria at patients with CIS, means a significant simplification of the criteria, while maintaining their high sensitivity and specificity, and thus to accelerate the process of diagnosis of MS.
diagnostic criteria, magnetic resonance imaging, MAGNIMS, multiple sclerosis