Dens axis fracture in a locality weakened by hemangioma
K. Cimbáková(1), J. Moczová(1), M. Szabó(2)
1 Rádiodiagnostická klinika, Nemocnica ak. L. Dérera, UNB Bratislava
primár: MUDr. Anton Šoka
2 Klinika úrazovej chirurgie, Nemocnica ak L. Dérera, UNB Bratislava
prednosta: prof. MUDr. Peter Šimko, CSc.
We present the case of a patient with an incidentaly diagnosed fracture of dens type III. in a field weakened by a hemangioma in CT and MR images.
fracture dens axis, hemangioma, CT, MR