Analysis of indications in patients with suspected pulmonary embolism on pulmonary CTA
J. Lackovič(1), V. Šimovičová(2), M. Kuchár(1), V. Belan(1,3)
1 Rádiodiagnostická klinika SZU a UNB
primár: MUDr. Anton Šoka
2 I. klinika geriatrie UNB a LFUK
prednosta: doc. MUDr. Martin Dúbrava, CSc.
3 v súčasnosti Dr. MAGNET, s.r.o., pracovisko Kramáre
This article is an analysis of a group of patients examinated on our clinic by computed tomography angiography of the lungs (CTA of the lungs) with suspicion from pulmonary embolism. We evaluated the indications by clinicians, if they were in accordance with up-to-date guidelines. We found out that there were 11 patients (22%) not indicated. However, we noticed 1 case with positive CTA of the lungs of – according to the guidelines – nonindicated pacient.
pulmonary embolism, CTA of the lungs, guidelines.