
Ultrasound examination of the neonatal and infantile brain

M. Široká, R. Vaňatka, J. Poláková Mištinová, P. Lesný, J. Bilický
Rádiologická klinika LFUK, SZU a UNB, Nemocnica sv. Cyrila a Metoda, Bratislava

Ultrasound examination of the neonatal and infantile brain with possibilities of repeated examination while the baby is undisturbed in the incubator, is a big advantage in diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, especially for high-risk neonates. In the last twenty years, ultrasound has become a daily routine, not only in pediatric radiology, but also in neonatology and pediatry. The ultrasound gives the possibility to give accurate diagnosis not only the „simple“ intracranial haemorrhage, but also periventricular leukomalacia and hypoxic-ischemic injuries in term neonates. The ultrasound also gives the possibility for a long-term follow up. A skilled ultrasonographer and a good ultrasound machine are necessary for diagnosing malformations, tumors, and even neurodegenerative and hereditary metabolic diseases. Ultrasound examination findings are reliable, with good predictive value; in more than 80% of babies with normal neonatal ultrasound, the outcome is normal. Cystic periventricular leukomalacia diagnosed at 21 days of life is a bad prognostic sign for permanent handicap, cerebral palsy. Term babies with subcortical leukomalacia have the same bad outcome. Babies with some other pathological findings, with the help of early intensive habilitation and good possibilities of plasticity and reorganization, are unpredictable for long-term outcome.

ultrasound brain examination, newborn, intraventricular hemorrhage, periventricular leukomalacia

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