
Tumor of anterior chest wall mimicking breast tumor

J. Slobodníková
Fakulta zdravotníctva TnUAD v Trenčíne, Rádiologická klinika s.r.o., Trenčín
II. RDG klinika OÚSA a LF UK, Bratislava

The breast is one of the skin glands , are localized on the front wall the chest. Therefore tumorlike lesions that brought up from the front wall structure, can advertise cancer and in location in the physical – oneself examination may mimic of breast tumor of. The article describes the chondrosarcoma of the anterior chest wall, which in the first phase mimic breast tumor. In this case report we describe a completely routine diagnostics development of the chondroma by young patients and transformation into a chondrosarcoma.

Breast, breast carcinoma, chondrosarcoma, sonography, mamography, CT

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