
Standardisation of classification in mammodiagnostics – – diskrepancy, readouts and advise for daily routine praxis – BI-RADSTM classification

J. Slobodníková(1,2)
1 Fakulta zdravotníctva, Trenčianska univerzita Alexandra Dubčeka v Trenčíne
2 Rádiologická klinika s.r.o., Trenčín

BI-RADS TM system is accepted worldwide standardized system of evaluation imaging findings in most of the countries where breast cancer screening is implemented. It is a tool defined to reduce variability between radiologists when creating the reports in mammography, ultrasonography or MRI. In March 2012, we came to an enormous discrepancy between evaluation in the Slovak Republic and other countries in Europe and the world in the use of BI-RADS category, esp.. BI-RADS 6. Yet, in daily practice, high variability is observed in the use of BI-RADS which leads to classification errors.

BI-RADSTM, breast cancer, mamography, sonography, biopsy

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